Car window tinting Adelaide - Solabloc SA

Tinting is a common practice that can be seen in many automobiles. People choose to get their windows tinted for various reasons. These reasons can range from simply keeping the interiors of the vehicle cool in hot countries to adding a degree of attractiveness or style to the automobile. There might be more serious motivations for tinting windows like addressing security related issues for high ranking personnel to ensuring that people suffering from skin ailments are not adversely affected by intense sunlight. A car window tinting Adelaide Company would be the ideal way to get tinting done for your vehicle.

In this post, we will look at the different types of tints available in the market today. You can then make an informed decision on the tint that you want for your vehicle. Please do note that while tinting might be a nice way to enhance your car, some states ban the use of films that completely block out all light. The degree of light that is allowed to be blocked by the tinted glass of the vehicle varies from state to state.

The Different Types of Tints

-          Metalized Window Film:
This type of tint is also commonly known as composite window film. It consists of a series of materials layered together to induce the tinting effect for the windows. These tints are quite good at halting the entry of sunlight on a hot sunny day. More importantly, they block out the UV light of the sun and keep you safe from the harmful effects of this light. They are also quite adept at reflecting heat and keeping the interiors cool at all times. There is, however, one downside to using metalized films. They can potentially block out radio waves, making it difficult to use phones inside the vehicle at times.

-          Ceramic Film:
This type of film is considered to be the prime example of the ideal film. It is almost universally accepted as a very good all-purpose film that can work wonders when it comes to blocking out sunlight. Consequently, it comes as no surprise that this film is on the more expensive side.

-          Dyed Films:
These are the classic window films that were popularised much before the above two types of tints. They are created by adding a layer of film in your window glass using an adhesive. They are known to block out the maximum degree of light, and can create a deep dark hue. Unfortunately, there are chances that the film will be plagued by a semi-bubbly development over time if it is not properly installed. This is why great care must be taken in the installation process of dyed films.

-          Hybrid Films:
These films use a combination of dyed and metalized films, drawing the best from both worlds. They are cheaper and better in almost all respects. They can block a significant amount of UV light while also keeping the car cool.

 With the knowledge of all these tints, you can now make an informed decision on what would be best for your vehicle. Contact car window tinting Adelaide today to find out what the company offers and how they can tint your window.


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