How would you find anything wrong in your Car Tints?

Shoddy tinting destroy the beauty and aesthetic appeal of your car, it is also so appalling to see the bubbles between the window and the purple film that was once deemed as tint destroying the beauty of your car.

Without the tint, you have to bear the temperature soaring to 130 degrees in summers, but the quality of the tints does matter, which you should understand while getting the car window tinted in Adelaide. Whichever model you have, whether it is a used car or a new one before having windows tinted for the time, you should be aware of the following aspects:

Quality Tints are small in size, with clean edges

A quality tint has the film which is attached very close to the window edge, and the line is consistent and clean. Any good installer will use the computerized template that would pre-cut the film, forming a line which is close to the edge of the window pane.

Give clean views 

 Quality tints reduce the risk of bubbles and give a clear view.  Tints of inferior quality, bubbles began to be formed within six months as the adhesives will continue to prematurely break down.

Find for the dot matrix
Towards the edge of many car windows, you might find many little dots and the textured surface which makes tinting exceedingly difficult. Often, the installer will also try to fill the blank spaces with glue so that it appears filled, which might remain for a few days, but eventually fails to retain their originality.

Sometimes installer has to spend more time only to settle the dots. A tinted car should have a consistent line that goes right toward the edge of the dot matrix. 

Tint should be pressed against the defroster 

You should make sure that there should not be much gap where the tint is affixed to the window. The gap could become a breeding ground for the bubbles to form and eventually expand.  

Light shaded tints could make best heat-blockers

Do not assume that only dark tints have heat-blocking properties, lighter shades can also be equally effective.  3Ms crystalline line can block the UV rays that the least quality darker shade tints.

Avoid using Metallic Tints

Metallic elements used in tints keep the heat away from the interior space, thereby making them more effective, but metal can obstruct the radio or cell phone reception.  The metallic content makes the windows strong and shatter resistant. The Metallized window-tint films also give the shiny appearance and are resistant to scratches than dyed film.

Do not forget to use the windshield

You can also put a light tint on the windshield in the legalized states. As windshield is the largest window so if you leave it without tints, the whole purpose of applying tints on other windows dies down. In this case, high-quality light coloured tints will solve all your purpose.

Make sure there are no cutouts

Many installers might cut out some sections or parts of the film on the windshield for inspections or registering stickers. It becomes easy then to remove without causing any damage to the film. But, this cause line towards the edge of the film. A best installer will paste the stickers on a clear film.

Solablac makes ensure quality car tinting keeping mind minute details, and the end result is the protection from the UV rays and increase in beauty of your car.


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